About Dr. Shershow
Dr. John C. Shershow is a Psychiatrist who specializes in adult ADHD.
Dr. John C. Shershow, M.D. is a prominent senior psychiatrist with a national reputation.
Dr. John Shershow specializes in treating ADD and ADHD. He was educated at Harvard, Yale, and the University of Southern California. He has practiced for many years in Boston, and was on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Shershow came to New York 26 years ago to become the Associate Dean of Downstate Medical School.
For many years, he was a surveyor and faculty member of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the nation’s leading evaluator of healthcare facilities. Dr. John C. Shershow is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.
Dr. Shershow previously had a private practice in New York City focusing on treating ADD and ADHD; however, due to the pandemic, he has moved his medical practice online. This has allowed Dr. Shershow to safely continue to treat patients from the comfort of their home or office.
Dr. Shershow has vast experience working with adults struggling with Attention Deficit Disorders. Treatments for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder are individualized for each patient, most commonly using the benefits of modern medications to assist patients in solving their own unique difficulties.
All patients are seen for an initial consultation, and most patients have regular follow-up visits. Dr. Shershow tries to make treatment as affordable as possible by keeping charges for both the initial evaluation and follow-up appointments as low as possible.